Rapid Prototyping with Hyundai.

Developing a storyboard is always the first key step we take in visualising the end product, so it’s important that we conceptualise our ideas by utilising the latest design tools. Rapid Prototyping helps us to do this by facilitating the creation of content that not only looks and feels like the final design, but also helps to create a collaborative experience that can communicate the final vision to our client before any development has even taken place.

Technical Training Product Sales Training eLearning Digital Solutions

Project Overview.


The ability to create and share new ideas across multiple projects while preserving brand consistency.


elearning, Product Training, Sales Training, EV, Rapid Prototyping, Collaborative Design.


The successful launch of 5 Product Training modules throughout the UK and Europe in 3 months.

Redesign Develop eLearning Design Digital Prototyping

The Brief.

Hyundai UK asked Autonomy to help redesign and develop a suite of elearning products for their 2021 model range.

With existing material for some of these models already available in Europe, Autonomy used not only this, but new material as a basis to realign and repurpose key features and benefits for the Hyundai Dealer Network.

“Time was a driving factor for this project and the current situation of the global pandemic had made training on these new models an absolute necessity to keep the network moving forward.”

Process Training Digital Timescales Budget

For Autonomy, this meant finding a way of shortening our existing project timelines and the pandemic was already highlighting the necessity to do this. It was vital we had a production process in place to make sure we could produce content at the same quality, but in shorter timescales. By choosing a rapid prototyping tool, it soon became clear that there were significant advantages to this approach, with the ability to reduce significant and potentially lengthy steps in the production process.

Prototyping Design UI Brand Automotive Training Technical Sales

The Solution.

Having already used prototyping tools for a variety of work on mobile applications, the decision was made to conceptualise and rework each module in this way. By doing this, a greater opportunity would be provided to review the structure and style of each module (internally and externally) in comparison with the original source material to reduce important review milestones and the overall project timeline.

“One of the key benefits in working this way was collaboration. The share tools available provided Autonomy with the opportunity to have multiple employees collaborating on each project all at the same time.”

Collaboration Tools Prototyping Design UI Automotive

One of the key benefits in working this way was collaboration. The share tools available in the software provided Autonomy with the opportunity to have multiple employees collaborating on each project all at the same time. For example, to maximise time somebody could work on the navigation, UI and brand styling for each model, whilst another would work on redesigning assets for the main content or curating any imagery or assets required.

Digital eLearning Solutions Design Product Training

By working this way, with custom component libraries, approved colour swatches and brand fonts preloaded into each project, consistency was able to be applied successfully and with ease through each module. This in turn, mean’t that all expectations were met when the final modules were delivered, with each one on brand and structurally modified to meet the target learning requirements for each new model, whether this was focussed on new technology, the customer or featured specific updates.

The Result.

This project comprised of multiple challenges on a variety of different factors. Crucially, the pandemic not only caused problems for both the client and Autonomy, but it had also changed the entire training landscape. In a positive way, it ultimately forced both businesses to re-evaluate the entire process of not only how to deliver crucial and valuable training content to a dealer network, but also how we could deliver it at scale to the same standards and in shorter timescales.

Design eLearning Automotive Solutions Training

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